2021 Film Festival Winners.

Presenting the 2021 Film Festival Winning Films!

Congratulations to This Year's Winning Filmmakers!

The Women’s Voices Now Film Festival celebrates women filmmakers and femme-identifying filmmakers who are creating social-change films that advocate for girls’ and women’s rights. Our online film festival promotes emerging women in film who believe in the power of filmmaking to promote gender equality globally. Through our online film festival, Women’s Voices Now supports women filmmakers around the world.

And the Winners Are...

Sisters Rising
Directors: Willow Feral & Brad Heck

Leslie J. Sacks Best Film 

The Dilemma of Desire
Director: Maria Finitzo

Best Director

Your Mother’s Comfort
Director: Adam Golub
Editor: Marina de Oliveira Cavalcante

Best Documentary Feature

Ritu Goes Online
Director: Vrinda Samartha

Best Documentary Short

Director: Monica Wise Robles

Best Social-Change Documentary Short

This is Not a Love Letter
Director: Ariel Zucker

Best Experimental Film

Director: Alona Shylova

Best Youth Film

Jury Mentions...

Hollie’s Dress
Director: Annie Sakkab

Documentary Short

How She Moves

How She Moves
Director: Anya Raza

 Documentary Feature

Director: Kaia Lavender


Messania’s Story
Director: Laki Karavias

Documentary Short


Director: Sarah Moshman

 Documentary Feature

Postcards from the Orient

Post Cards from the Orient
Director: Sis Gurdal


Yellow Cards for Equal Pay
Director: Maia Vota


11th Annual Women’s Voices Now Online Film Festival