Voices for Change.

A free online film collection about women to raise awareness and drive social change to advance girls’ and women’s rights.

Voices for Change: the WVN Free Online Film Collection

The Women’s Voices Now Free Online Film Collection of films about women raises awareness of the struggles and triumphs of women and girls around the globe, inviting audience members to contribute to social change supportive of their human rights. Since 2010, we’ve partnered with 50 field partners in 13 countries around the world on more than 110 screening events.

Featuring 200+ films from 67 countries in 44+ languages, these independent films tell the stories of women and girls worldwide – in many instances through the lens of female filmmakers.

Our movies are available for streaming anytime, anywhere, for free. We invite you to watch, share, and support this free online film collection. 

Interested in hosting a screening? Click here

Would you like to submit your film to our collection? Click here.

Support our Film Collection!

Join our monthly giving program, the Crew, and become our partner in bringing these critical stories with wider audiences.

New Arrivals.

Copyright Disclaimer

Immediately upon receiving a complaint, WVN will remove any films from our collection due to issues of infringement claim, whether it be copyright infringement, right of publicity infringement, or something else. Any such film will be kept off the Film Collection unless, or until, any infringement claim has been refuted. To make a complaint, please e-mail: Heidi@womensvoicesnow.org.

Women’s Voices Now is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

46-E Peninsula Center
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274

11th Annual Women’s Voices Now Online Film Festival