Fight Acid Violence

Shahida Akther | Bangladesh | 2013 | 25 mins

Fight Acid Violence Synopsis

Acid attacks in Bangladesh occur daily where social taboo around this form of violence against women silences victims, doctors, and employees of treatment and rehabilitation centers, alike.

Fight Acid Violence was an official selection of the 2014 WVN Online Film Festival.

About the Filmmaker

Dr. Shahida Akhter has written and published a number of books and articles, and educational materials for children and the public, which are used by NGOs, UNICEF, and the Government of Bangladesh in their educational programs. Some of her books are included in the syllabus of the universities as a reference to human rights issues. In 1997, she won a National Award for her work in informal education.

She is the Editor of the monthly Lekhapara, a publication for children, adolescents and the public on education, culture, literature, history, law, child rights, human rights, gender issues, health & environment, economy, science & invention, and overall general current news. She has received national & international awards for social work & documentary filmmaking.

Read a Film Reporter interview with Dr. Shahida Akther on her filmmaking and advocacy, and learn more about her on her website.

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