Justice for Comfort Women Synopsis
Filmed at the The U.N. Conference on Women in Beijing, China, 1995.
The Japanese Army during WWII abused women wherever they invaded in Asia, forcing them to “serve” their army. This Filipino “comfort woman” was interviewed in 1995 at the UN Conference on Women by Nelia Sancho of Lili Filipina. She works to obtain reparations for survivors world wide.
About the Filmmaker of Justice for Comfort Women
Margot Smith is a retired social scientist who lives in Berkeley, California, USA, where she actively advocates for universal health care and economic justice. Margot produced award winning independent videos on political and social justice issues. Her videos may be seen at www.offcentervideo.com.
More from the Filmmaker
Justice for Comfort Women is part of a longer video filmed at the historic UN Conference on Women in Beijing, China, in 1995. The conference brought 30,000 women from many countries; women from 13 countries were interviewed for the film ‘To Empower Women’, which was shown on PBS and in many film festivals.