Living With Stones

Khaled Hasan | Bangladesh | 2010 | 9 mins


Earning a meager two dollars a day, women crush stones in an unregulated and environmentally damaging industry that depletes the local resources and the dignity of its workers.

Living With Stones was an official selection of the 2011 WVN Online Film Festival.

About the Filmmaker

Khaled Hasan was born in Dhaka in 1981. He began working as a photographer in 2001. He realized photography is not just a play of camera; it’s a play of life with light and darkness. Thus he chose the path of photography to experience culture and life. It became a part of his identity, a force that makes him think, feel and understand human beings and life. He has worked as a freelancer for several daily newspapers in Bangladesh and international magazines. His works have been published in major international magazines and newspapers around the world including New York Times, Sunday Times Magazine, American Photo, National Geographic Society, Better Photography, Saudi Aramco World Magazine, Guardian, Telegraph, The Independent and The New Internationalist, Himal Southern, Women’s e-News.

He is an indigenous photographer, telling the narratives of a land that shaped him. He is interested in documenting stories about people and their interaction with nature, about healing and surviving, about fighting for rights and toiling for food, about taking a stand against injustice. A story never ends, it continues to develop, sometimes it fades or it becomes history but it can be still documented. So, he believes in documenting change that is constant.

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