On the Road: Khushi’s Story

Elizabeth Daube | India, USA | 2015 | 7 mins

Khushi’s Story Synopsis

Khushi Prajapati faces unwanted, early marriage as a way for her family to cope with poverty. To escape this unwanted destiny, she seeks assistance from The Azad Foundation’s Women on Wheels program that trains women to become taxi drivers and earn money.

Directed by Elizabeth Daube in conjunction with American Jewish Word Service (AJWS).

On the Road: Khushi’s Story was an official selection of the 2016 WVN Online Film Festival and was the recipient of the Audience Choice award in the Documentary Short category.

About the Filmmaker

Elizabeth Daube is a writer, editor and documentary film producer. In her role as Research Communications Manager at American Jewish World Service, she creates videos, research publications and more. In the U.S. and in the developing world, she has worked as a journalist and with researchers and nonprofit programs, investigating diverse topics related to health, gender, violence, and poverty.

In 2013, Daube completed Master’s degrees in public health and social work at Boston University. She served as a Bu Program for Global Health Storytelling fellow in Kenya and with the USAID Global Health Fellows Program in Uganda, where she trained counselors and volunteers on sexual and intimate partner violence and ways to support survivors.

About the Collaborator

American Jewish World Service (AJWS) is the leading Jewish organization working to promote human rights and end poverty in the developing world. AJWS promotes civil and political rights; advances sexual health and rights; defends access to food, land, and water; and aids communities in the aftermath of disasters. AJWS pursues lasting change by supporting grassroots and global human rights organizations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and by advocating for U.S. and international policies for justice and equality worldwide.

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