Women's Voices Now Press Profile


CONTACTS: heidi@womensvoicesnow.org 

Women’s Voices Now (WVN) is a Los Angeles-based non-profit organization that uses the power of film to drive social change that advances girls’ and women’s globally. We seek to challenge the mis- and under-representation of women by promoting films made by women, about women, for all.

The film industry perpetuates negative stereotypes against women and girls. To address this, we have developed a unique approach that challenges biases toward women in the industry, whether behind the camera or in front of the camera; and, the obstacles faced by women when seeking access to funding and the networks necessary to make their films. By supporting women filmmakers who produce films about women’s issues, we engage audiences in advancing girls’ and women’s rights.

Through our work, we envision a global culture shift powered by impact film, in which communities and institutions believe in gender equality and adapt their behaviors and actions to support the systematic advancement of women and girls. We carry out our mission with our film festival, our youth program, Girls’ Voices Now, and our free online film collection, Voices for Change.

Women’s Voices Now is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, where the Executive Director Heidi Basch-Harod and team work together with the assistance and support of a global community of volunteers, the board of directors, and the advisory board.


Since 2017, we hold special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Our work is internationally recognized as impacting six of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).


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11th Annual Women’s Voices Now Online Film Festival